No Lies for 48 Hours!

no lies Simon SinekWhen was the last time you caught yourself telling a (little) lie to someone?

If I am totally honest, for me, the last time was last night on the telephone with a stranger. I only told a little lie, like “Yes, I totally agree with what you are saying”, but in reality I was not.

You might say that is not a real lie, that does not do great harm to anyone, and you are right. Nonetheless, we tell lies, whether big or small, and often we tell them just to protect ourselves. But of what exactly? To not get humiliated maybe? Hmmm…. [Read more…]

Why You Should Give Up The Driver’s Seat (Every Once In A While)

Why You Should Give Up The Driver’s SeatWhen was the last time that somebody told you to let go?

In case it has been a while, let me be this person for you, just this once:

“Go on, let go, let someone else make that decision for you. You cannot be in control of everything!”

Now, if some of my friends would listen to me right now, they would probably laugh. They know that I like to keep control of things.

I have seen and met too many people who just simply are too comfortable and maybe even lazy to make big decisions, to be in the driver’s seat. [Read more…]

What this movie should have taught you earlier!

life of brian - Relentlessly helpful mindsetAre you familiar with the Monty Python movie “Life of Brian” from the late seventies?

If you are about my age or older, you must be familiar with it.

If you are younger and have never heard of it, you probably should be familiar with it. [Read more…]

Wisdom from Mike Tyson?!

mike-tyson self developmentWhat do you think of when you hear the name “Mike Tyson“?

You probably don’t think of self development, do you?

He delivered one of the greatest quotes I have come across, in fact, I had just seen it again this morning. It comes from one of the interviews before a fight when he is being asked how he is going to do against his next opponent.

Here comes his quote: [Read more…]

2 Stories That Help You To Make a Difference

Make a DifferenceToday, I got told two stories, two stories that moved me and inspired me once again to try to make a difference.

So, I decided to share them with you.

This is it, nothing more nothing less. They are powerful!

Two videos that, in my view, really make a difference. (Thank you, Carina and Petra for pointing them out!) [Read more…]

The New Definition of Giving

new definition of givingHave you seen lately all those books and videos around teaching us to give more?

Do you read those books?

It is not that I do not like them, on the contrary. I believe there are quite a few good advices on giving floating around.

I also believe it is good to give not for the sake of wanting to receive anything in return. It does not work like that usually. Does it? [Read more…]

How to Be More Confident

how to be more confidentDo you know what it feels like when it seems like nobody wants to talk to you? Would you stand up and walk over to someone and introduce yourself?

If someone accuses you of doing something wrong, would you stand up for yourself?

If you are looking how to be more confident, this post might be for you.

Go! [Read more…]