How can I stop being shy?

being shyThis is a question that lots of us ask ourselves in certain situations.

Let me start out by telling you that being shy is nothing bad! There is this weird perception out there that we need to be extroverted, outspoken and all that.

I don’t buy it.

Having said this, there are situations when I am absolutely shy, and then there are others, where I am totally outspoken. During my Networking Challenge, for instance, I host monthly meetup events here in Duesseldorf. I am hosting. So, no excuse to be shy. I need and want to be outspoken to people, relate with them and have good conversations. [Read more…]

Overcome Fear With This New App!

overcome fear - coverIf you are interested in receiving a little daily support to overcome your fears, then you are in the right place.

Ready? I am excited!

There is a brand new app, called Failure Games, which came out this month to help us to move out of our comfort zone, step by step.

I have only been testing it for a few days, but so far I like it, so I thought it is certainly worthwhile to share it with you already now.

The guys over at AppSumo (thank you!) have created the app only very recently and I heard about it in their newsletter announcing it earlier this week. [Read more…]

No Lies for 48 Hours!

no lies Simon SinekWhen was the last time you caught yourself telling a (little) lie to someone?

If I am totally honest, for me, the last time was last night on the telephone with a stranger. I only told a little lie, like “Yes, I totally agree with what you are saying”, but in reality I was not.

You might say that is not a real lie, that does not do great harm to anyone, and you are right. Nonetheless, we tell lies, whether big or small, and often we tell them just to protect ourselves. But of what exactly? To not get humiliated maybe? Hmmm…. [Read more…]

Why You Should Give Up The Driver’s Seat (Every Once In A While)

Why You Should Give Up The Driver’s SeatWhen was the last time that somebody told you to let go?

In case it has been a while, let me be this person for you, just this once:

“Go on, let go, let someone else make that decision for you. You cannot be in control of everything!”

Now, if some of my friends would listen to me right now, they would probably laugh. They know that I like to keep control of things.

I have seen and met too many people who just simply are too comfortable and maybe even lazy to make big decisions, to be in the driver’s seat. [Read more…]

Need A Push To Progress With Your Personal Development Plan?

push personal development planI have a friend who asks me regularly to give her a push to follow through with certain ideas and plans she has. Every time she says it, I have a smile on my face. Not that I like to push people, no. I smile because I realize that I am not the only one who needs a little push every once in a while – a push into the right direction.

Today, you’ll (re-)discover a great little technique to push yourself. A little subtle push to allow yourself to move forward with your personal development plan, no matter how busy you are (for a 101 of such a plan, click here).

Now, just to be clear, I am not talking about a physical push here, I mean a mental push which allows you to move towards and take action on whatever your plans are. [Read more…]

4 Ways To Have A Stress Free Morning

stress free morningHow would you like to learn about four ways that help you to have a stress free morning?

You see, it is SOOO easy to get stressed out, especially in the morning when time is precious. Yet, there are (at least) four things that you can do easily – as of tomorrow – to lower that stress level!

This morning, I woke up late, at 7am. When I realized how late it was, I panicked. [Read more…]

How to Get More Energy – For The Long Run (Learning Bites #7)

„When you are enthusiastic about what you do, you feel this positive energy. It’s very simple“. – Paul Coelho

While I agree with what Paul Coelho stated, very often people say that their energy level drops even though they really like what they do.

How to get more energyI see this with myself. I am very fond and excited about one of my biggest projects at the moment, which is writing a handbook for young companies, who are looking into building up their teams. I have been writing each morning since May (apart from my vacation in August). And I notice sometimes my motivation drops, I have less energy. When that happens, I usually start the day with what I enjoy most, and then get back to it when I am motivated again. I believe that is normal to have such waves of energy. We are humans, after all.

What do you think? [Read more…]