Overcome Fear With This New App!

overcome fear - coverIf you are interested in receiving a little daily support to overcome your fears, then you are in the right place.

Ready? I am excited!

There is a brand new app, called Failure Games, which came out this month to help us to move out of our comfort zone, step by step.

I have only been testing it for a few days, but so far I like it, so I thought it is certainly worthwhile to share it with you already now.

The guys over at AppSumo (thank you!) have created the app only very recently and I heard about it in their newsletter announcing it earlier this week.

Their motivation to develop this app seems to be one, which a lot of people have. They want to help people to jump over that hurdle, take chances and get over that fear of failure!

A lot of us might not necessarily admit it, but fear is one big factor why people do not do what they really want to do. They might be scared to speak in front of a crowd, or something is keeping them from riding a motorbike, whatever the case maybe.

Nonetheless, we all have an idea of who we are and who we want to be. We just have this roadblock right in front of us which often keeps where we are – which makes us uncomfortable to move out of our comfort zone.

Now, while I am not saying this tool is magic, but FailureGames is certainly an app that can help you to take that step ahead. And by the way, the app is totally free and without ads!

The app has been designed to challenge you on a daily basis. Every day, they release is a new challenge.

overcome fearIn the screenshot on the right you’ll see what the first challenge is. You see, the first one is not so hard. There might be others coming up, which you will find harder, but ultimately they are set up in a way to help you to take a chance.

What is nice about it, is that there is a community of people connecting via this app who share their successes with each other. So, you are not alone facing these daily challenges (and there are even prices to win when you do it!). Just a little hint, if you love my network challenge, you will love the second challenge!

Let me say that it comes with a certain sense of humor, which you need to like. Just try it out and see whether it is made for you or not, what can you loose?

So, how about downloading the app here now and we’ll discover the next challenges together?

If you have any questions, please raise them in the comment section!

Top photo credit: Rian Saunders

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