Your Personal Christmas Present: Discovering Your Strengths

Discovering Your StrengthI just thought of a Christmas present you could treat yourself with. No, it is not chocolate :-). It is also not very expensive. But, it might give you a great possibility to round up 2013 and giving you a lookout into the New Year!

I am talking about a book which some of you might already know. In fact, I also recommended it in the Quick Start Guide. Have you heard of the book called the “Strengths Finder 2.0”?

It is a great book, which includes a simple test to help you discovering your strengths.

And it costs under 20 Euros (here in Germany). And about $14  in US Dollars.

Peanuts for what we get out of it, don’t you think? [Read more…]

Overcome Fear With This New App!

overcome fear - coverIf you are interested in receiving a little daily support to overcome your fears, then you are in the right place.

Ready? I am excited!

There is a brand new app, called Failure Games, which came out this month to help us to move out of our comfort zone, step by step.

I have only been testing it for a few days, but so far I like it, so I thought it is certainly worthwhile to share it with you already now.

The guys over at AppSumo (thank you!) have created the app only very recently and I heard about it in their newsletter announcing it earlier this week. [Read more…]

Review: Asana – one of the best modern ways to get more organized?!

Asana: Get more organized- IntroIf you are a goal setter, then you probably make an effort to stay organized and goal-oriented.

If that is the case, in this post I want to recommend a really useful web-based tool to you, which I started using one and a half months ago, it is called Asana.

If not, you might be interested anyway.

A short introduction

Not only since I have started my own business beginning of the year, I have been on the lookout for ‘new’ tools to plan ahead better and to get myself more organized. Up to the point this March where I had three different tools (a mix of old and new) in parallel to keep track of my to-do items. Not the best advice I could give, so, I would advise not to try the same. [Read more…]

Succeed With Your Personal Goals: 4 Podcast Shows To Listen To

Podcasts-personal development goalsI do not know about you, but I am someone who loves to listen to podcasts while commuting! Do you?

As I have been on the road quite a lot recently, I got to listen to a lot and sometimes I just got so inspired with new ways to achieve my goals, I had to figure out a way to make notes while driving (thank you Siri!).

So, I decided to share with you my Top 4 Podcasts for Personal Development, hoping that you will get good insights out of them as well. [Read more…]