Ever wonder how you can be happier in your business life?
With Christmas now two month away and Easter break not yet here, many employees, whether team leaders or not, have difficulties to keep the momentum. They are often under pressure, have to deliver high performance results, and with bad luck, even if they have been doing well, there is still someone who is complaining.
What if I showed you seven simple ways which lead to more happiness and excitement in the office?
7 simple ways for daily happiness and excitement at work
Unlike assumed by many people, there are quite a few things we can start doing each day to get out of this trying daily routine. There are also a few things which we can stop doing to fuel our satisfaction in our business lives. All of these suggestions below have successfully put into practice by myself throughout the last years. Give it a try!
1. Listen to your favorite music on your way to work
A lot of employees commute to work, if you are one of those, the chances are likely that you are trying to use this time as productively as possible or you are catching up with some sleep. In case you are well equipped, do not only listen to productive podcasts, turn up your favorite music, right before you arrive at work. That will put you in the right mood for the day. (If you want to know what my morning song was for quite some time, check out the video at the bottom of this post.)
2. Set realistic daily objectives
Now, upfront, I still have many difficulties to set realistic goals for the day. Some days, I am more successful than others. Sometimes I am disappointed in the evening about how little I got done. However, when I start reflecting on what I have accomplished, often my mood shifts to a brighter side. So, tomorrow, my calendar will hopefully be lighter and yours?
3. Treat your project like a baby
If you happen to work on one or many projects, good chances are that you work most of your work time on these projects, right? Do you complete your task because you have to, or do you identify yourself with the task and mission at hand? If you are treating your project like a baby, it is likely to increase your motivation, your energy level and therefore you are more likely to be happier.
So, even if you have to work on topic X with two of your least favorite colleagues, try to see the positive elements and make the most out of it. Make it successful! Is there any way you could? What else would you need? Ask your superior for it, maybe (s)he can help out.
4. Stop blaming other people
Many people choose the easy opt-out when it comes to finding the guilty person who has just mistakenly done something wrong. It is easy to blame other people. Avoid to blame them, however, for your problems. People do make mistakes, whether it is the manager or an intern, or myself. We are all human and we learn through mistakes. We usually do not learn by blaming others.
5. Share today’s excitement
Do not wait for the afterwork party to share your success on a particular project. Call someone or share it on social networks. I mean not the secret details, just the basics and why you are excited and happy!
I have to admit, this sharing part does a lot for me. Sometimes, however, I spent more time explaining what I am doing than celebrating, so, choose well whom you contact!
6. Do not react
Do not let your negative emotions win, if your manager has just told you something you were not waiting for. Hold for a few seconds, give your brain some time to catch up with the emotions, and then think. Chances are higher that you end up in logic thinking mode. This is very helpful to stay professional at work!
7. Live the moment
Be happy like there is no tomorrow. We are not going to be happier if we always wait for the good things to arrive. We need to make a start. Smile at your colleagues when you walk past. There are quite a few employees who pull a face sitting at their desk (and I do not mean the people who look very concentrated), and when you ask them what is wrong, they say “Nothing.” Kind of, sad.
Bottom Line
I have to admit, in extreme circumstances not all of these tips work well. I tried. Currently, there are quite a few companies who have started restructuring processes to save money, to find synergies which often results in laying off employees. Whether those employees still want to find excitement in their daily job with a smile on their face, that is up to them. It is all possible though.
Are you going to try out one of the recommendations above to be happier at the office? Which one? Please let me know by leaving a comment.
Also, if you have a colleague who might benefit from reading this article, please share it through the buttons below! Cheers!
And to finish off with here is my favourite morning song by Paolo Nutini.
Image credit: Nono Fara
I could see myself dancing to this song! 🙂 I love it! I think you’ve hit it right on the head #1: often times, when I listen to my favorite music, I get so hyper that I get goosebumps and want to sing outloud! It’s really all about attitude, and I think that song is saying that exact same thing: get a new attitude (new shoes), and life is suddently all right 🙂
Serena @ Get Your Life Straight recently posted…Keeping Your Heart Happy and Healthy
I am glad you can resonate! Thanks for the feedback!
What is your favourite song to “get hyper”?
I agree with Serena, you have hit the jackpot with the #01. There is strange connection between music an our body.
One of my favorites songs is from Bill Conti – “Gonna Fly Now”, it ma be a bit masculine but I find it very motivating.
Marina recently posted…What are the characteristics of an entrepreneur?
Thanks, Marina! And The Rocky Theme is another great motivator, might have to put it on my playlist!
Great advice! I love listening to upbeat positive music before work and after. It helps wake up my mind and even gets me moving! I’m also really trying to be better at #7. It is so easy to get frustrated or upset when things don’t go right, but why waste more time and feel down. Find something positive and move on to fix it or learn something from it.
Sarah @ My International Blessings recently posted…Kenya Video (December 2008)
I am glad this is helping out! “Live the moment” is on top of my agenda for a few years now, still need to remind myself frequently to stick to it, but it is so worthwhile to not always plan for tomorrow.
I tall to too many who aren’t happy at all.
I don’t understand why people don’t take action to make their life happier.
You provided some great points and I hope more people take action.
You make a valid point. Those that take action often see the rewards too.
Great tips, and very timely. It’s been a constant struggle for me to keep my head in the game the past few weeks. I will also add that another thing that’s worked for me in the past (and I need to break it out again) is having a workplace mantra…just a short phrase I can repeat to myself about staying calm, peaceful, focused and being productive.
Jennie recently posted…be here now
Jennie, I like the mantra approach!