I would quickly like to address one topic today. It is about one particular fear a lot of us have.
And as some of you might be preparing their goals for next year, I hope that this video, which I am about to share with you, will guide you on this path.
It is the very inspiring speech by Jia Jiang, who was speaking at the World Domination Summit by Chris Guillebeau earlier this year.
He is talking about the fear of rejection. This fear paralyzes most of us, because we are too afraid to get hurt. So many things we do not do, because we are blocked.
We do not pick up the phone to apologize to someone, because we can’t overcome this fear of rejection.
We do not realize a great idea, because we have this fear.
Jia Jiang was also hurt by rejection. So hurt, that he decided to take action on it. Unlike me and lots of other people.
After 100 days of action, he embraces it. It is amazing. For him now, “Rejection is only an opinion”, nothing more, nothing less.
He has only simple recipe for all of us: “Just ask.”
If you think that rejection is one of the biggest fears you have, and you want to change this, then find 25 minutes of time this weekend, and watch this video below with a mug of coffee or a glass of wine in your hand.
It made my day!
If you like this story of Jia Jiang, I encourage you to share this which two friends who struggle with rejections! Go on, inspire others, and let’s overcome this fear together!
Photo credit : Sean MacEntee
Speaking of rejection. You must know it intimately if you work in HR. I mean, you must see it all day, and you probably have to reject a lot of people as well. How do you feel about it?
Personally, I prefer being rejected to rejecting others. If I must do it, I try to do it in a nice way.
Ludvig Sunström recently posted…The Most Important Thing for how You Build Long-Term Motivation
Dear Ludvig, thanks for commenting. I actually currently work in recruitment and training really, so the topic of rejection in the classical sense in HR I am currently not confronted with. Recently, I started to embrace rejection by basically expecting it. And with that attitude, funny enough, I find that I am being rejected less.