Archives for February 2014

3 Tools That Will Help You To Stick To Your Personal Development Goals

tools to stick to personal development goalsEver wondered how you are going to stick to your personal development goals? Maybe your development plan, whether on paper or electronically is not enough to push you forward?

There are lots of possibilities out there that can help you to keep at it. To really reach those goals! I am sharing with you today three tools which are constantly helping me to obtain my goals. No matter how small or how big that goal is.

So, in case you are looking for this red thread which will help you on a daily basis to stick to your objectives, check out the following tools:

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Are you a victim of self-sabotage?

are you a victim of self-sabotageAre you a victim of self-sabotage? Think about this for a second.

Do you think you have to “yield” all the time and resist your negative emotions?

What is your answer?

Unfortunately, the chances are highly likely that you are a victim of self-sabotage. Maybe not on a daily basis, but we human beings are growing into this world filled with negative thoughts. No wonder, in school, we learned all about two things. Passing or failing. Not being good enough to finish school with good grades.

It is no surprise to me that there is so much self-sabotage around. As much as it is not a surprise, it disturbs me. It disturbs me when I realize that I am self-sabotaging myself, but in particular when I see the people around me suffering. Probably because they have a limiting belief. But do they know about it? Are they aware? Are they too scared to address it? [Read more…]

How to handle Naysayers

how to handle naysayers

Are you being criticized a lot? Do you have people around you who tell you that you shouldn’t do something, even though you really want to? Do those people pull you down?

In case they do, or you question yourself on how to handle naysayers in a regular basis, I invite you today to watch the following 13-minute session by Jonathan Fields who addresses exactly this issue. Jonathan Fields is an award-winning author and entrepreneur who is currently leading the Good Life Project. In other words, he knows what he is talking about. [Read more…]

Cherish What You Have

SSDP Cherish what you have 2Last Tuesday was World Cancer Day. I guess not a lot of people would have given it too much of a thought, unless they were effected by it in one way or another.  And now, three days later, the news are bombarding us with new, different information, so I wanted to hold on a second and look back.

The day before, on Monday, the World Cancer Report was published. Everywhere I went I heard people talking about it. It moved me more than ever.

Early evening on Wednesday, I was sitting in a café and next to me two ladies in their fifties, I’d say, talking about the findings of this report. I couldn’t help but overhearing it, as they were somewhat screaming at each other. And I thought, “here it comes …”, but no. One of the ladies told the other one who she recently survived cancer, she got completely cured. Awesome! I was thrilled! [Read more…]