Two Things To Use Today To Create Your Mini-Personal Development Plan

two things personal development planCreating a Personal Development Plan is not easy. You are right.

At the same time, to be very frank, nobody said it would be. 🙂

However, there is no need for you to be challenged with this thing called Personal Development Plan. You do not need to write down a big plan with a long list of objectives. It certainly helps for some, but not for all of us.

A Mini-Plan is enough, trust me.

What is most important is that you identify what you want to achieve, no matter how big or small that goal is, and that you start scheduling little action steps to achieve that goal.

And that is why I will introduce to you today two things that we all have available and that you can easily use today, whether you have a personal development plan set up or not. Ready to move towards that goal of yours?

Thing #1: A piece of paper

Write down one single goal on a blank piece of paper. What do you want to achieve before the Christmas Break?

Do it now, I wait.

Are you done?

Okay, now, put the paper somewhere visible in your office (or at home, whatever you prefer).  Choose a spot where you won’t be able to miss it when you walk in each morning.

The more often you make yourself aware of your goal the better, especially if it is a new one. But, don’t look at it too often, otherwise you might get put off. Just once per day.


Thing #2: Your Calendar

As Tony Robbins said “Schedule it to make it real!”, so looking at your goal is one thing, but taking action is even better.

Open up your calendar, and schedule an action right now (or as soon as you get off reading this blog post). Just one single action. Whether it is calling someone,  scheduling an appointment or looking something up in the internet. Whatever the case maybe.

One of  mine I had written down for this week said: “Participate at the International Project Management Day”. And I did. It was yesterday, a very exciting online conference around project management. Might not be your thing, but I am just sharing my action step here.

Over to you

Hey, it is easy, right?

What is your action going to look like? Leave a comment below to share and to get an accountability boost!


  1. Hey Jantje! Have you ever heard of Leslie Samuel put me on to it. It’s a website and app that allows you to check in every day and mark off that you “DID” that thing you wanted to do. Granted, it’s more than “one” thing, like what you’re suggesting above. But it is a pretty easy way to be accountable, and it’s sort of a social media thing where other people can see that you’ve “done” something everyday. You might want to check it out! 🙂 Great post, by the way. Very simple and easy for anyone who’s been procrastinating. My “one” thing is to be complete my garage makeover by Nov. 30th. YIKES!

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    • Jantje Bartels says:

      Hey Serena, thank you for sharing!
      Yes, I am familiar with Lift, I mainly use it for my sporting activities! Great motivator, that’s for sure. Sometimes I am so exhausted after sports, I forget to mark things off 🙂 Good luck for the garage makeover, that sounds like a big project for the rest of the month!
      Have a great weekend,

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