3 Tools That Will Help You To Stick To Your Personal Development Goals

tools to stick to personal development goalsEver wondered how you are going to stick to your personal development goals? Maybe your development plan, whether on paper or electronically is not enough to push you forward?

There are lots of possibilities out there that can help you to keep at it. To really reach those goals! I am sharing with you today three tools which are constantly helping me to obtain my goals. No matter how small or how big that goal is.

So, in case you are looking for this red thread which will help you on a daily basis to stick to your objectives, check out the following tools:

1. Lift

Lift is a really cool and user-friendly app, which allows you to plan, track and share your goals. If you like you can get support even by total strangers to help you to not break the chain! I really enjoy using it! You can also join plans for “new” things you would like to accomplish. For example, you could join the Pull up Challenge with includes 30 steps to master pull ups even as a beginner. But really, you can find goals on any topic.

2. iThoughts

This mindmapping tool, called iThoughts, allows me to do a regular brain dump. Brain dumps help me to stay or regain focus without constant distraction of my mind because “I should not forgot this, or do this” etc. You could use any of the existing mindmapping tools out there for this particular purpose. If you are looking for a free tool, you could use XMind, for instance. So, in order to stick to my personal development goals, I do not only use it for brain dumps, but also to structure some of my ideas and thoughts around my goals to visually see a clear path on how I get there. (I thought about including a screenshot of one of my mindmaps, but it didn’t look fancy enough J).

3. Journal

My current favorite journal is the Five Minute Journal, yes, I know I have mentioned it before. But it is such a beautiful journal (not a Moleskine) helping you twice per day in the morning and in the evening to be happier. You should try it, because when you are happier, you have more energy and more motivation to accomplish your goals. Having said this, you can certainly simply start and continue to regularly write in a regular journal – it does wonders for your self-esteem as much as it helps to notice the little things that we accomplish each day without really noticing.

I hope you can benefit from these three tools! In case you are using other tools, share with us which ones, so we can learn and try them out! Just shoot us a line in the comments below!


Photo Credit: Nolan Williamson


  1. I like the idea of journaling. I have noticed that when I write down what I plan to do and then follow it up with the successes I’ve had, I can get more done and stay motivated to keep on going.
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